Brad’s an amazing teacher

     “I’ve done Systema for a number of years and I’m already sold on the value. It’s very practical, it’s easy to learn, it works off of your natural sort of inclinations, and it makes me happy. And I’m also learning a ton, so I’m really happy to be here. Brad’s an amazing teacher. Read More …

Thank you for the confidence you have given me from the heart that I spent in your school; the go-with-the-flow attitude that I learned at Systema has helped me avoid conflicts and stay level-headed while dealing with the less than ideal personality of the people who surround me.  The relaxation techniques that you thought me Read More …

One of the Best Teachers and Most Effective Communicators

I have had the opportunity to train with Brad Scornavacco several times over the last four years. On each occasion, Mr. Scornavacco demonstrated a remarkable level of skill and subtlety. Brad’s physical prowess alone would have been sufficient to distinguish him among martial artists, but additionally he is one of the best teachers and most Read More …

Where I Learned to Move So Well

I had trained at Brad’s Systema school for 10 years and learned principles that have been very beneficial since moving away. I have attended seminars for various martial arts including Systema and have been able participate at a comfortable level with whomever I am working with. I always am asked as to where I learned Read More …

Strength, Relaxation and Presence of Mind

“I’ve been taking Systema classes for four years at SMAA.  When friends ask me what Systema is, I find myself sometimes at a loss for explaining the art in a way that is meaningful to them. Mostly, I tell them that Systema is the reverse of other martial arts that teach you an arsenal of Read More …

Real-World Applications, Not Sport

I have been a student at Scornavacco Martial Arts Academy for over a year.  I have been impressed with the quality of the instruction and the insight that Mr. Scornavacco provides to the real-world applications of the techniques.  As a physician, I am keenly aware of the CDC guidelines.  Mr. Scornavacco has implemented social distancing Read More …

An Unending Amount of Skills

Any concern of how Systema class would be degraded during these physically-distant times was put to rest since classes started back up. Those that study Systema know that the more you study, the more ever-expanding amount of things you can do (up close) presents itself- it never ends and is why we keep coming to Read More …

An excellent teacher, a consummate professional

“I visited Brad Scornavacco’s school In August. As usual Brad treated me like family. His classes were extremely informative, rigorous and fun. Brad breaks thing down without shattering the Systema wholeness of the art.  He is an excellent teacher, a consummate professional. I look forward to training with him again.“  

It’s not just regular martial arts

“It’s not a regular martial arts, it’s not memorized movements or anything like that; it’s bio-mechanics. You have to have an understanding how to move the body and with your center of gravity,  and to adapt to what’s going on, versus something like karate or kung fu where there’s patterned movements and things of that Read More …

A real treasure for anyone in the area

“I found my way to Brad’s class from Canada when I was in Denver for a conference. I’m sorry to say that up to this point my experience with Systema has been limited and wanting, compared to what I see in Vladimir’s DVDs. I don’t think anyone who’s met Brad needs to be convinced, but judging from the Read More …