Early-Bird Registration Ends Today For November Weekend Systema Workshop

Early-Bird Registration for the next Weekend Systema Colorado Seminar with Brad Scornavacco and Al McLuckie, two of the earliest Certified Systema Instructors in the USA, ENDS TODAY!

“Systema: From the Inside Out” will be two solid days of  internal training, manifesting into external combat skills.

  • Prepare your body for smooth, efficient motion to Move with Total Freedom, no matter how your attacker tries to tie you up.
  • Learn the 3 Ways to React when facing a threat…and which is The Best Way to Move.
  • Tap into your INTUITION and learn to discover INSIGHTS into new ways to solve combat problems.
  • The proper role and use of FEAR and ANGER in conflict
  • Why taking a “hands-off” approach to your training will give you higher skills and allow you to progress faster than ever!
  • How to handle different types opponents — Jittery, Rock-Solid, and Slippery — and the different methods you need to defeat each

We will use many weapons in our training — short sticks, long sticks/rifles, knives and possibly handguns — so please bring your training weapons.

You can now register online, using the following link.


AND USE THE CODE: INSIDEOUT for $100 OFF by October 15th, 2015.