Theme for this cycle: Takedowns on the Move
Area of Focus: Review/Validation
Class Objective(s):
1. Review the material we’ve covered this cycle
1. Takedowns in response to
1. knife attacks
2. strikes
3. headlocks
2. Add some speed to the attacks
Breathing Exercises:
1. Triangle Push-ups
2. Dragon Lunges
3. A-Frames
Joint Mobility Exercises:
Work Specific Strengthening Exercises:
1. 1 on 1 – partner stabs at you, move, take them down, disarm
2. 1 on 1 – partner punches at you, move, take them down
3. 1 on 1 – partner pushes you, move, take them down
4. 1 on 1 – partner grabs you, move, take them down
Self Defense Applications:
1. Caterpillar line
2. Speed Pyramid
1. Questions for next time