I have a student who helps teach law enforcement officers. He sent me this story, which gave me a good chuckle. He agreed to share it, on the condition of anonymity.
“I got roped into helping with another self defense class today at work. Good fun and all. They wanted to run me thru the scenario first before I was the attacker on 12 deputies so I would know what they are going thru. This was more of an observation thing so I was blindfolded, brought into a situation, blindfold off, told to observe room for 10 seconds.
Re-blindfolded, things changed and then blindfold off and notice what changed. Various knives and guns, hammers, etc scattered all over in both, trying to distract the observer.
Was taken out of the area then blindfolded again and brought into same room. Before blindfold was off, I was told I was to only observe for 5 seconds now.
Mind you, the instructions were to just observe.
Blindfold off. Guy attacks from behind with a electric shock training knife, slashes in the back.
I saw him coming but did nothing, I was told to observe. I told them there is a dude slashing my back.
They were upset because I was taking this pretty strong electric shock knife to the back and stood there doing nothing…. I was observing as told… LOL
Then they said “well, defend yourself!”
I think I totally took the Krav guy (attacker) by complete surprise. I turned into him, arm waving around the knife and had his structure demolished and he was heading to the ground before they all could take a breath.
Total shock (no pun intended) to all the instructors and attacker and was told to call off the attack. I stopped and all had a good giggle.
The rest of the time I attacked the deputies with the shock knife. Pretty good time.
Today, I felt “validated”, even up against a pretty experienced Krav instructor. Ha!”
He followed up with this…
“I was also impressed that the attacker I took down was much taller than me and that has been one of my weak points. All done with no yelling like all the Krav folks. Feeling good!”
Yeah, Systema works (time and again), in case you were wondering.